Internationale afspraken
De Nederlandse overheid werkt met verschillende landen samen en heeft afspraken vastgelegd in memorandums of understanding, letters of intent en strategische agenda’s. Hieronder vind je een overzicht van de internationale afspraken.
Saudi Arabië
Verenigde Arabische Emiraten
Verenigde Staten
Zuid Afrika
Multilaterale samenwerkingen en organisaties
De Nederlandse overheid doet mee aan verschillende multilaterale samenwerkingen en organisaties, hieronder vind je een overzicht.
Deelnemer van het Executive Committee van het IEA Hydrogen Technology Collaboration
The Hydrogen Technology Collaboration Programme (Hydrogen TCP) was established in 1977 under the International Energy Agency’s auspices to pursue collaborative hydrogen research and development and information exchange among its member countries. Through the creation and conduct of some forty Tasks, the Hydrogen TCP has facilitated and managed a comprehensive range of hydrogen R,D&D and analysis activities. The Hydrogen TCP was, prior to 2020, known as Hydrogen Implementing Agreement (HIA).
Deelnemer van de steering committee van het International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy
The International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy (IPHE) is an international collaborative initiative for the development and deployment of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies and to enable global energy security and other environmental and economic benefits that these technologies can provide. The IPHE membership is open to national governmental entities that have made significant commitments to invest resources in research, development, and demonstration activities to advance hydrogen and fuel cell technologies
Deelnemer van het Clean Hydrogen Mission
The Clean Hydrogen Mission has the goal to increase the cost-competitiveness of clean hydrogen by reducing end-to-end costs to a tipping point of 2 USD/kg by 2030. One of our goals is to facilitate the delivery of 100 large-scale integrated hydrogen valleys worldwide by 2030. The first step is to identify 100 Clean Hydrogen Regions. The Mission is on track. In 2022, the CHM identified 37 hydrogen valleys. As of June 2023, CHM members have identified 83 hydrogen valley projects in 33 countries.
Co-lead van het Clean Energy Minsiterial Hydrogen Initiative (CEM H2I)
The Clean Energy Minsiterial Hydrogen Initiative (CEM H2I) was launched in CEM10 (May 2019, Vancouver). It is a voluntary multi-government initiative, developed according to the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) framework document, which aims to advance policies, programs and projects that accelerate the commercialization and deployment of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies across all aspects of the economy. It operates under the auspices of the CEM, involving non-binding arrangements among participating national government ministries. It is co-lead by Japan, The Netherlands, the Us, and the European Commission.
Co-voorzitter van het International Hydrogen Trade Forum samen met de VAE
International Hydrogen Trade Forum to Accelerate Global Collaboration | Clean Energy Ministerial
Aangesloten bij het European Clean Hydrogen Alliance
The European Clean Hydrogen Alliance was set up in July 2020 to support the large-scale deployment of clean hydrogen technologies by 2030. It brings together renewable and low-carbon hydrogen production, demand in industry, mobility and other sectors, and hydrogen transmission and distribution. Its members come from industry, public authorities, civil society, and other stakeholders.
Deelnemer van het Clean Hydrogen Partnership
The Clean Hydrogen Partnership's main objective is to contribute to EU Green Deal and Hydrogen Strategy through optimised funding of R&I activities. The Clean Hydrogen Partnership is the successor of the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking (FCH 2 JU) and has taken over its legacy portfolio as of 30 November 2021.
Deelnemer van de Breakthrough Agenda
The Breakthrough Agenda is an international framework for countries and businesses and civil society to join up and strengthen their actions every year in key emitting sectors, through a coalition of leading public, private and public-private global initiatives. This coalition of initiatives has been mapped across each sector in a series of landscape maps, hydrogen being one of them.
Voorzitter (2023) van Pentalateral Energy Forum (PLEF of Penta) en trekker van de waterstof werkgroep
Het Pentalateral Energy Forum is een regionaal samenwerkingsverband tussen België, Nederland, Luxemburg, Duitsland, Frankrijk, Oostenrijk en Zwitserland. Het verleent politieke steun aan een proces van regionale integratie richting een Europese, betrouwbare en duurzame energiemarkt. Sinds 2005 werken de landen er vrijwillig in samen en ontplooien voortrekkersinitiatieven op vlak van marktkoppeling, leveringszekerheid en een koolstofvrij energiesysteem. In 2020 is er een politieke verklaring ondertekend omtrent waterstof door de penta landen: Joint political declaration of the Pentalateral Energy Forum on the role of hydrogen to decarbonise the energy system in Europe | Publication | The Netherlands at International Organisations.